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  • Matthew Pabon.24
    Ingeniero en Computacion.
    Nacido en Caracas, Venezuela.
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  • Hungría (Magyarorszag)

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  • Haciendo las mismas cosas que hago en este lugar, pero recibiendo dinero por ello :D

I Wont Judge You

Dear Citizen of Budapest:

It has come to my attention that we are having some problems trying to communicate with each other. In the beggining I though it was because you disliked me, but afterwards I realized that I'm such a nice guy to be with that the probability for being disliked by you reaches a really low number, almost deprecable. Then I went to another possible cause, which was the low knowledge of the common language for us, which is English. I dismissed this reason as well, because I realized that you know the language, and even if you dont know all the forms, words and clauses that are associated with it, you are still able to maintain a coherent line of words with a sense and a straight meaning.

Finally, after thinking throughly, and analizing the context, situations and everything related with the enviroment both of us are being part of, I realized that you have problems comunicating with me because, in way that I cannot understand for the reasons that I will expose later, you dont feel well with the level of spoken english that you have and you feel a bit intimidated or scared that I will judge you for the way you speak.

Well my friend, I have some good news for you, who will recomfort you and will make you feel better about yourelf and us:

I wont judge you.

See, we live in a world were communication is everything, and we always need to be connected with people as much as I can; and even though right now the virtual means of communication (i.e email, chat, bbpin, whatsapp,etc) are taking its important slice of the communication, still on daily basis we need to communicate by verbal means as way of interaction in order to come trough our day. What I want to say is that with all of this we thankfully still need to talk in order to work as a society.

What I predict will be the future of communication.

I know that I can talk quite fast and incomprehensible some times, and that can give an idea that my English proficiency its so awesome that uneducated ears cannot take it. But I think thats another quality different than english knowledge: I can talk a lot of bullshit that may sound like smart remarks, when in reality are as dumb as Justin Bieber cover by Rebeca Black.

Dont be mistaken by name either, yes its an English origin name, but thats as much of English that I have. You can blame my dad for having a name that its unwritabble and unpronouncable by anyone back in my country. Dont get me wrong, I love my name, but in the end Im as venezuelan as an Arepa with Pabellon. I had to learned english as a second language as well, using the method "Pollito = chicken, Gallina = hen".

The sepia tone really suits me.

So to make this finally clear: dont worry my friend about how the things that come out of your mouth will sound, and if they are in their perfect pronunciation or not. I will never judge, or pay attention to that. What I will take into consideration is the effort that you make to communicate with me, because this shows that in a way you care about what I say and you want me to know what do you have to say and think, no matter if its a good comment, a complain, or just calling nice things to my mother.

And this, my fellow citizen of Budapest, its communication, and most important, society.

Adios, Bye, Szia!

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