• Quien Soy?/I am ...
  • Matthew Pabon.24
    Ingeniero en Computacion.
    Nacido en Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Estoy en/I am in
  • Hungría (Magyarorszag)

    Para los que no sepan donde está, está en Europa central. Por favor visita este link y cuando tengas un poco mas de idea de las cosas de la vida regresa a este blog.
  • Que hago?/My job...
  • Haciendo las mismas cosas que hago en este lugar, pero recibiendo dinero por ello :D

What does moves you?

I recently "finished" my second semester of Hungarian. I put in on quotation marks because actually I kind of drop out of it. A lot of work these last weeks plus some trips helped to make that decision. But there was another thing that contributed to that : I just wasnt feeling that motivated to studying it.

Actually I just missed the last 2 weeks and a half of the semester, and I know that my Hungarian Language Experiment its not completely finished, but Its just not the moment to continue with that. I think the realization that I will most probably leave by the end of the year this county helped in great part to diminished this motivation that I had.

All human beings are fueled by motivation, ambition,  goals and dreams that we want to accomplish. And sometimes we need to prioritize and make sacrifices on some things, in order to fulfill others. What is true in life its that we cannot have everything, even if we are constatly trying to achieve this, and that sometimes we have to let go to some things, in order to being able to obtain others. The most important part its that in the end to say :  "I did make the right choice"  instead of saying "I really fucked it up".

I am a really skeptical person, man of science at its best who's always questioning everything and more than usual calling bullshit to popular, and not so popular belief.

There is enough bullshit on this to fill a football field

But what I do believe is this so called movie cliché, that even I feel so cheesy saying it : Everything happens for a reason. All the actions and decisions we make lead up to this moment we are right now. There is a whole chain of events that unfolded so you  in this exact moment are wasting 5 valuable minutes of your time that you could have been using on learning how to play an instrument , or learn how to speak a language, on reading this whole amount of  "attempted" philosophical thoughts (sorry , you are halfway so far, you are trapped now!) .

Three weeks ago a whole chain of events unfolded so I could watch an sculpture of two men peeing on Czech teritory

So in the end, if we have enough positive attitude, we will come to the conclusion that what we will say more than often is the first sentence, not the fucked up one. And thats good because, in the end I do think life its fair, its not perfect, but it does keep its sense of fairness, even though this perception and sense tends to vary from person and situations.

Have you think about what is the main driving force that makes you wake up in the morning, do your best at work, and  your best to improve as a person, human being, and a social agent?

Do you know for sure whats the gasoline that fuels your passion, that ignites your ambition, and that set the gear to the fastest speed as possible to achieve your goals?

If you do, congratulations, you are already half way of the challenge. Because sometimes the hardest thing to accomplish its to figure out what we really want, and the most usual way to find out its to see what do motivate us, and in base of that you just can go the rest of the way.

By the way, this is hell of a fuel.
Until next time


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